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Mensaje  Rosiak0 Jue Mar 11, 2010 1:09 pm

Lo siento, para hablo espanol un poco and that's why i will continue in English Smile I am a student at the Warsaw University and I have to pass the spanish language exam by the end of this semester. I have about 3 months to become pretty much fluent in Spanish and i thought that since I play warhammer and there are some good Spanish guilds I might be able to join one. I think that the fact that I could read guild chat and listen to you speaking at ventrillo and maybe when I'm confident enough actually talking to you would be really beneficial. Would you consider accepting me to your guild?
Now, I ąm not asking you to accept me right now, because this idea was pretty much spontanious and I would have to talk to my guildies first. But would I abe able to join you?
My ingame name is Rosiak. I'm a 75rr slayer and I consider myslef to be a good team player. I have done the whole ToVL many times so if you have any problems with this instance i would hopefully able to help you
You can reply in Spanish, since I do undestand many things. And if I don't i can use my dictionary:)


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